Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blog #2

Hey, well i have some achievements. i have made honor roll most of the time of my whole educational experience. School is extremely important to my family and i. i have been on the Omaha Central cheerleading squad throughout my high school career. The team has won awards for the routine that we bring to the camps we have. We were also in this competition that we got second place for.(I think we earned first though lol). I was in a marketing 1-2 so i had a taste of the whole deca experience (some people are really serious about that stuff) and i was in fbla because of my accounting class. My best achievement was making it into summer scholars because that was all my doing, my effort, my time, and my perseverance.
Some issues that come across my attention is the way that some races lose their cultures. I am African American/Black and i really think that the black nation take some things for granted here in America. Sometimes we forget who made all this possible for us. First and for most God because without him there would be no us, but the historical activists that have fought for our rights. People right now are actually dieing in africa to be able to vote and over here they have the right but for whatever reason they chose not to.
Another cocern to me is the urban cities and the educational institutes. Black America are not teaching their children that knowledge is power and when the kids don't learn anything they are powerless. Trying to skip class, roam the halls, and be disrespectful to teachers is not the answer. They must not understand that being illiterate is not cute what so ever so they need to stop being dumb do what they need to do in order to succeed.
I would like to further my education in college because it's how i have been brought up. It is like second nature when i finish high school next comes college just like high school after junior high. I know that going is how i can make money and be able to relax and enjoy lifes joys.

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